Let’s see, step one, step two, step three, step four. Wow, 137 feet is a pretty good distance. So is 72 feet wide, and obviously, nearly 20 feet in height is a lot higher than one can jump. Give up? Well, that is the size Action for Progress is proposing for the new distribution hub in Lilongwe. From this location mobility units will be assembled, medical supplies will be sorted, and educational supplies will be prepared for distribution nation-wide. Already, nearly three full container shipments of supplies are backed up in warehouses in the United States waiting to be shipped to Malawi. Why? Waiting for the construction of the new distribution hub that will bring hope to literally millions of people.
It is not often one can become part of something that will change the lives of so many people.
It is not often one can help a group from an emerging nation to assist their own people by handling the distribution of aid shipments themselves.
It is not often one can help a person fish for themselves, or in this case, give out medicine, medical supplies, mobility units, school supplies, food, agricultural equipment, and supplies.
It is not often one can help a group of people become more and more independent, responsible, and successful.
The land has been purchased, plans have been drawn, a large percentage of the funds have been donated. There is still a need. You can help. Send a check today, or program an electronic contribution on our website: https://www.malawiproject.org/donate/