Lilongwe, Malawi … To be honest and maintain full disclosure most grandfathers did not have an airplane, nor did they have airplane hangars. Now, mind you, we are not talking about a hanger that can hold a 787 Dreamliner with a wingspan of 197 feet, or even an older model 747 at 211 feet 5 […]
Read MoreLilongwe, Malawi … When was the last time you went to a particular destination, and when you arrived, had a greeting like the one in this picture? I must admit the only place I find this kind of reception is when traveling in Malawi. They call their nation, “the warm heart of Africa,” and it […]
Read MoreBuilding Gets Finishing Touches Lilongwe, Malawi … Compliments and accolades to Alfred Chiwale, and his crew at Diamond Construction for their skill and expertise in the construction of the new distribution hub that will make possible a higher number of assistance programs throughout the nation. Cheers and praise to Wilson Tembo, and the Board of […]
Read MoreChairman of Action for Progress Blantyre, Malawi… The grandson of a Ngoni Tribal Chief, Chester Kabinda-Mbewe was born in central Malawi in 1963. He grew up in Mphathi (nick-named: a barefoot boy from Mphathi), a tiny village about 40 kilometers west of the Dedza Trading Center in Central Malawi. After attending Dedza LEA Primary school […]
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