I Saw No Hope For My Son

By Malawi Project | January 31, 2008 | Comments Off on I Saw No Hope For My Son

I Would Die and He Would Be Helpless Name:                         James Jonna Age:                             12 years Sex:                             Male School Class             4 Village:                        Kapire * Tribal Authority:         Nsamala, Balaka *     At […]

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“Bury The Twins With Their Mother”

By Malawi Project | January 26, 2008 | Comments Off on “Bury The Twins With Their Mother”

 “Had I Been there I Would Have…”       “Had I been there, I would have offered to adopt the twins”. That was what went through my mind as I sat and in disbelief listened to an incident that had happened in one of the villages here some years ago. A woman had given birth […]

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Do As I Say, Not As I Do

By Malawi Project | January 20, 2008 | Comments Off on Do As I Say, Not As I Do

Actions Speak Louder Than Words The Chicago Tribune headlines it as “Food Success Story in Malawi. No longer extending a begging bowl, African nation now feeding its neighbors.” (December 1, 2007). The New York Times was more direct with its headline, “Ending Famine, simply by ignoring the Experts.” (December 4, 2007). The news was so […]

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I Am Sure I Am Innocent

By Malawi Project | January 16, 2008 | Comments Off on I Am Sure I Am Innocent

“My Name is Innocent” His name is Innocent Banda and in many ways he lives up to what his name implies. First, he has become parentless through no fault of his own. He is “innocent”. And “Innocent” was the name his parents gave him at birth. He does not know why they chose that name […]

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