Timothy Was Not Just Another Statistic

By Malawi Project | April 9, 2008 | Comments Off on Timothy Was Not Just Another Statistic

     Large numbers and statistics harden us.  Daily the media bombards us with facts and figures about suffering in the world.  Maybe because all of this information is so abstract we too easily forget that it represents real people who have the same feelings that we do.  The staggering numbers of Africans being cut down […]

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V-Tractor and Men with Garden Hoes

Don’t Let Me Starve ~ Teach Me To Fish

By Malawi Project | April 8, 2008 | Comments Off on Don’t Let Me Starve ~ Teach Me To Fish

Don’t Just Give Me the Fish, for When You Leave I Will Starve to Death. But Teach Me To Fish and When You Leave I Will Continue To Eat. Lebanon, Indiana … A big smile can be seen on the face of Ari Tello, an employee of L. T. Rich Manufacturing Company in Lebanon, Indiana, […]

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Orthopedic Hospital Praises Supply Shipment

By Malawi Project | April 4, 2008 | Comments Off on Orthopedic Hospital Praises Supply Shipment

Forty Foot Container Arrives at Kachere     “It is really a help,” notes Mrs. Nthewere one of the nurses at the Kachere Rehabilitation Centre near the south side of Blantyre, Malawi.  “So many of the patients are very needy and the soap, toothpastes and clothes will see them through. In addition the beds we had […]

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Lake Begins New Program For Handicapped

By Malawi Project | March 30, 2008 | Comments Off on Lake Begins New Program For Handicapped

    Salima, Malawi … On the road to Senga Bay, Malawi the observer will quickly see the recently constructed lake or large holding pond for rainwater that is located northeast of the Salima Trading Center. The purpose of the lake is to collect water during the rainy season in order to have irrigation capabilities […]

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