Senga Bay, Malawi… The emotion is beyond explanation when you have to look a loyal, long-standing employee in the face and tell him his mother just passed away a brief five minutes after the two of you had been discussing her medical condition. He only just finished his sentence that he did not want […]
Read Morehttpv:// It derives its name from its objective of being a village tractor for use in developing countries, in this case Malawi. It derives its existence through the creative work of inventor-entrepreneur Tom Rich of the L. T. Rich Manufacturing firm of Lebanon, Indiana. It became a reality after five years of imaginative thinking, thorough […]
Read MoreA Carved Log With Which To Fish A Bucket for Water from a Distant River A Hand Hoe for an Entire Garden This is Malawi Today Explain it and few people can understand. After all, this is the 21st Century. No one lives in a mud hut anymore, do they? And how can […]
Read MoreCanadian Group Rallies Support During the past 9 years nearly 300 trailers of supplies have been sent to the small nation of Malawi through the work of the Malawi Project. A vast majority of these trailers of supplies have been medical in nature, and they have allowed the Project to extend its reach into […]
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