“Little Dresses for Africa” is a non-profit 501c3, Christian organization, which provides relief to the children of Africa. Simple dresses are made out of pillow cases, and distributed through the orphanages, churches and schools in Africa to plant in the hearts of little girls that they are worthy.” Rachel O’Neil founded and oversees “Little Dresses […]
Read MoreThe average Malawian travels no further than about 20 miles from home during their entire lifetime, and the villagers near Lintipi, in the mountains just south of Dedza, are pretty much average. They travel almost exclusively on foot. In a medical emergency their only hope is to reach the district hospital in Dedza – 20 […]
Read MoreSukasuka Village, Malawi … Over the course of the years Vaughn and Peggy had a hobby of collecting beanie babies. The collection grew, and by the time of Vaughn’s death the number had reached into the hundreds. Peggy decided to donate the collection to the children of Malawi. In August her neighbors, Dick and Suzi […]
Read MoreDrifting south along M-5 in Eastern Malawi the view from the galimoto (car) begins a subtle change as the elevation lowers. Leaving Lilongwe the elevation, at 3,440 feet (1,050 meters) above sea level, started dropping after reaching the crest of the Dowa Mountains. West of here, in the mountains near Dedza, the elevation towers skyward […]
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