Mponela, Malawi … Mission work is difficult. The work is hard enough, but when one makes it cross-cultural, it adds a whole new dimension to the attempt at understanding. For instance, I remember the time I asked the preacher, “Do you have mamba snakes here?” He replied, “Yes.” “What happens if you get bitten?” I […]
Read MoreIt was 4 AM when I was suddenly awakened by a rooster signaling the coming dawn. Now there were three problems with this. The first was the fact dawn was still an hour away. Second, we were back in the bed and breakfast in the city. Third and definitely not least, the roaring rooster was […]
Read MoreWhen one thinks of African Trading Centers it is not hard to imagine them in the heart of the sub-Sahara, and when one travels to the sub-Sahara, it is easy to find the typical trading center in the tiny nation of Malawi. Then when one moves about in Malawi there can be found typical African […]
Read MoreLilongwe, Malawi … In reality, it might be better to leave the distinction of being “faster than a speeding bullet” to the fictional character of Superman. However, what members of the Board of Directors for the Malawi Project recently witnessed, during and after, the September board meeting of Action for Progress would seem to make […]
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