Far More Than Expected
This is the Junior Girl Scout Troop 31816 from Medford, Oregon. For our Bronze award we had to do 20 hours of community service. We were over achievers and did 2 projects; one was making soft chew toys for the Humane Society and the other was collecting medicine bottles for Malawi. Our goal was 300 bottles. We asked our friends, neighbors, and church members for the bottles. The response was overwhelming. We divided the bottles up and each girl took some home to strip the labels, remove the sticky residue, and wash the inside and out. We did a final sorting to make sure we had lids for each bottle and then packed them up. The final count was an astonishing 900+ medicine bottles for Malawi. … We know this will do many people a lot of good.
Marcie Dixon
Junior Girl Scout Leader
Troop 31816
Medford, Oregon