Things Are Really Looking Bad, Woe Is Us
The nightly news sounds like a catastrophe happening.
Oil Prices Around the World Hit Record High
African Dictator Threatens to Kill the Opposition
Bankruptcy Appears Possible for World’s Largest Car Make
Record Numbers of Children Around the World in Slavery
Roadside Bombs Kill Large Number in Iraq
Record Floods Wipe Out Much of This Years Crops
African Dictator Threatens to Kill the Opposition
Bankruptcy Appears Possible for World’s Largest Car Make
Record Numbers of Children Around the World in Slavery
Roadside Bombs Kill Large Number in Iraq
Record Floods Wipe Out Much of This Years Crops
The problems appear to be too big for the average person to do anything to change or affect them. The reality is far from being true. One person can
make a difference for one other person. Two can double the difference. Three can triple it. For one person receiving small amounts of aid from one other person it makes all the difference in the world.
Eleanor Roosevelt is credit with having first said, "It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness." It was such a powerful statement Adlai Stevenson, John F. Kennedy, and who knows how many more people through the intervening years have repeated it in public speeches.
Perhaps it is time to repeat it again in reference to the situation in Africa and around the world. "It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness."