Indianapolis, Indiana … For a number of years the acute shortage of exam and surgical gloves for medical personnel and first responders in Malawi has been evident. There is a serious shortage of all kinds of medical supplies, equipment, facilities, and staff. In almost no area has this shortage been more serious than in the area of the need for the protection of medial personnel as they assist the seriously ill in government hospitals.


The Malawi Project is attempting to help people in first world nations understand the poverty that prevails in the emerging world. The lack of gloves is just one example, and it impacts the health and life of every healthcare worker, first responder, police and first aid worker in Malawi. News articles posted, appeals given, and requests extended are shaped to make the public aware of what it is like to conduct surgery and medical care in an environment where things as simple and inexpensive as a pair of gloves are not available.


According the Suzi Stephens RN, Medical Director for the Malawi Project, “It is so touching to see healthcare workers and medical personnel continue their valiant efforts to help the people of Malawi while at the same time serving under the most difficult conditions. The lack of gloves is just one example of what it is like when you have committed yourself to helping people, only to find yourself in a near impossible position because of the lack of basic necessities to do the work. In spite of the shortage of supplies, and often even their salaries, I see healthcare workers coming to work and caring for patients when I know they are putting their lives on the line. They know it too, but do not shrink back away from their commitment to the patient. I am never more proud of being in the medical profession than when I go to Malawi and see the way these people are putting their lives on the line to help others. On the other side it is also heart-warming to see the outpouring of support you are giving this appeal. Since we started raising awareness less than a few months ago, we have received over 80,000 pairs of gloves. Please keep them coming. We’ll get them to Malawi.”


To participate in the gloves program you can purchase the gloves for a number of local outlets and send them to the Malawi Project Inc., 3314 Van Tassel Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46240-3555, or you can go to web sites such as those listed below where you can purchase a few hundred gloves at very little expense for the people of Malawi. Here are some examples:


or go to Amazon (Medical Gloves) for other options


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