In 2001 Lauren Armanino, a 15-year-old California high school student watched a TV program about vision problems in Africa. She was determined to help solve the problem that she was seeing, and so, with the help of her family, Lauren started “Eyes Around the World” (EATW), a program where used eyeglasses were gathered and shipped to third world countries. After some initial logistical problems, contact was made with the World Health Organization, and they recommended that EATW consider participating with the Malawi Project.
Subsequently, chapters of Eyes Around the World have now sprung up in 24 student led high school chapters, and the chapters have collected and shipped over 10,000 pairs of used glasses. “The Malawi Project has not only simplified our efforts, but it has become a great match for us. We have flourished because of them.”
You can send glasses for Eyes Around the World to:
10932 Morrison St Apt 209
North Hollywood, CA 91601
Phone: 818-755-0798