When someone suggests, “Contributions are needed,” most people think the reference is to money, checks, giving. While the Malawi Project does need financial assistance to support the programs in Malawi, there are a number of ways one can lend support without a major impact to their checkbook. In fact, many of the largest contributions supporting this work have been of a minor or non-monetary nature. Here are just a few of the ways you can help:
- Tell family and friends the success stories the Project is achieving. Suggest they look at the website, and the Flickr site. Both offer a wide view of programs and pictures that will pique their interest.
- Social media offers a free means of communication. Subscribe to the news feed, and then click on the Facebook icon below the story. This will place the story on your Facebook feed, and present the story to all of your friends.
- Subscribe to “Messages from the Heart” the electronic newsletter, and then forward it to others, suggesting they subscribe and tell their friends. This can spread rapidly.
- Suggest your church or community group conduct a campaign to gather supplies for Malawi. The nation of 18-million is in need of many things we take for granted, and many items cost only a few cents to purchase. A list of needed items is available on request: info@malawiproject.org
- Suggest your neighborhood school begin a campaign to send used textbooks and school supplies to Malawi. The Kids Helping Kids program is a very successful way to include young people in a good cause.
- Organize a women’s group to prepare “Baby Packs” or sew pillowcase dresses for little girls. Information about both of these projects can be obtained by an inquiry to info@malawiproject.org
- Request a video about the Project, and share it with others. It is less than 20 minutes long and gives a large amount of information about the country and the Malawi Project. Request the DVD from info@malawiproject.org or you can view the video online at https://vimeo.com/229603961.