Lebanon, Indiana … Supporters and contributors to the Malawi Project and Action for Progress have done it again. As in recent years those who know the organizations best have rated the two organizations with a five-star (out of 5 stars) rating.

Dick Stephens, a co-founder, and member of the board of directors notes, “Not only was it important for you to offer your endorsement of the Project, but it has also been critically important to have your support, encouragement, and financial assistance over the past 30 years. It is heartwarming when we read your reviews, and the way they reflect, repeat, and imitate those of the Project itself. It confirms we are getting the message out, and that it is being heard and supported. From its beginning 30 years ago, the Project has taken a different approach to aid assistance in Africa. Trusting the local people to oversee, direct, and control the way aid is administered in their country is, (much to our amazement when we started there), very different than most aid organization’s functions. It is unusual for aid to be placed completely in the hands of those who know best how they should be administered! You have seen the wisdom in this approach, and put your time, energy, and finances into this effort. This is reflected in the things being said on the Great Nonprofits site. We invite you to take a few minutes, sit back, go to the web page, and enjoy a group of very positive comments about the Malawi Project and its sister organization, Action for Progress. 

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