Meeting Establishes New Drop Site For Supplies
Mzuzu, Malawi … In early August 2008, a three-hour meeting was held at the Bible College in Mzuzu, next door to the University of Malawi. In attendance were Randy Judd, the Director for the school, Richard (Dick) Stephens of the Malawi Project, and local church leaders Davison Z. Ndhlovu of Ekwendeni, Moster Kanyinji of Mzimba, and C. T. Chirambo of Salima. The meeting focused a great deal of attention on creating a closer working relationship with medical facilities in northern Malawi that are sorely in need of additional medical supplies.
Site Holds Many Advantages
The campus was selected for a number of reasons. First, it is a central location for the north, positioned on the main road just north of the regional capital of Mzuzu, and next door to the University of Malawi. Second, the campus has an excellent facility with excess capacity in its current status of 20 buildings situated on 18 acres of finely manicured property. Third, its recognition as a major trade area makes it an excellent location for various groups to reach in order to pick up needed resources.
Land of the Tumbuktu Primarily, the Timbuktu tribe inhabits the northern portion of Malawi, with a scattering of Angoni tribes. It’s major center of commerce and government is located in the city of Mzuzu, which takes its name from a small stream. Its current population is estimated at 175,345. The region serves the districts (states) of Mzimba, Karonga, Rumphi, Nkhata Bay, Likoma Island, Chitipa, and is home to Malawi’s first national park, Nyika National Park. The Park holds what is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful montane plateaus to be found anywhere in Africa. Near the park at its southern end rests the Vwaza Marsh Game Park, home to a high number of wild animals and birdlife. To the east sits Lake Malawi, the 12th largest fresh water lake in the world, and home to one of the largest varieties of fresh water fish in the world. Above it to the west raises the high mountainous plateau that anchors the lower end of the Great Rift Valley. On the mountain above the lake is the historic community of Livingstonia, which dates back to the time of the early missionaries led by the Scottish missionary David Livingston. A short distance to the south of Mzuzu is one of the largest rain forests in the world, Chikangawa.