Suzi Stephens standing with Madalitso Mwandoloma, Medical Director for Action for Progress

Seeing with Medical Eyes

Suzi standing with Madalitso Mwandoloma, Medical Director for Action for ProgressLilongwe, Malawi … After the first speeches were given under the big tent the ceremony broke for a few minutes while everyone prepared for the ribbon-cutting ceremony near the wide overhead door. As many of the guests milled about and visited, Suzi Stephens, Medical Director for the Malawi Project gravitated to Madalitso Mwandoloma, Medical Director for Action for Progress. The two have become close in the past few months as they share a common interest, the health and well-being of the people of Malawi.

The two women have a big job ahead of them and the conversation turned to medical equipment and supplies stockpiled in warehouses in America. With the completion of the building, these supplies can now be moved to this distribution hub for processing. While others admired the size and beauty of the warehouse these women saw babies given medical care for malaria, children with bandages and burn ointment after severe burns, and older people properly cared for because of the supplies shipped to this warehouse.

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